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With support from the Juravinski Research Institute (JRI), Hamilton researchers have launched a new initiative to improve health outcomes for people living in Hamilton’s subsidized residential care facilities. Lead investigators are aiming to leverage a pilot project of an integrated primary care team tested by McMaster Family Practice and the Greater Hamilton Health Network and […]

MEDIA RELEASE Kitchener, ON | November 24, 2022 – After an extensive search process, Mark Fam has been named the new President of St. Mary’s General Hospital, and will be joining the Hospital and St. Joseph’s Health System on February 6, 2023. “We are thrilled to welcome Mark to St. Mary’s and to the St. Joseph’s […]

As we observe the second official National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Friday, September 30, it is important that we recognize this day as an opportunity to pause and reflect on the trauma and legacy of the residential school system in Canada. By joining the national community in observing this day, we acknowledge how […]

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MEDIA RELEASE Hamilton – March 24, 2022 – Dr. Anne Anderson, csj, Chair, Board of Directors of St. Joseph’s Health System (SJHS), with the approval of the Diocese of Hamilton, announces the appointment of Elizabeth Buller to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of St. Joseph’s Health System. Ms. Buller is currently President […]

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7 Together with our partners at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and St. Joseph’s Villa, we mourn the loss of Charles Juravinski. One would need to look far […]

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