St. Joseph’s Home Care Integrated Comprehensive Care Team Honored as Miracle Workers

May 16, 2024

In a heartwarming recognition of their unwavering dedication and exceptional care, the Integrated Comprehensive Care Team at St. Joseph’s Home Care has been nominated as St. Joseph’s Miracle Worker through the St. Joseph’s Healthcare Foundation’s Grateful Patient Program.

This esteemed acknowledgment celebrates the remarkable professionalism and compassion exhibited by the team in their daily commitment to patient well-being. The news was shared with joy as the team received notification that a patient has chosen to honour their extraordinary efforts. The nomination marks a significant milestone as the team’s first recognition within the Grateful Patient Program, a testament to the profound impact they have had on those they serve.

The Integrated Comprehensive Care Team was presented with the prestigious St. Joseph’s Miracle Worker Certificate May 9, at a celebration for the 2024 Nursing Week. This certificate serves as a symbol of the team’s dedication and serves as a beacon of hope for patients and their families, reassuring them of the exceptional and compassionate care they can expect at St. Joseph’s Home Care.

By: Madelaine Smith, Communications Coordinator, St. Joseph’s Home Care